Everyone wants to become a better athlete. Whether you play sports on the weekend with your friends or want to improve your fitness level, anyone can be a better athlete. Unfortunately, Continue reading
Everyone wants to become a better athlete. Whether you play sports on the weekend with your friends or want to improve your fitness level, anyone can be a better athlete. Unfortunately, Continue reading
Are you the type that finds mornings an absolutely dreadful time of day? Do you have a hard time getting up on time, and then finding the energy to get moving and get out the door on time? Do you find it hard to focus on any one thing in the morning? If you’ve said yes to these questions then the chances are high that you aren’t exactly a morning person.
Not to worry though, here are four ways that you can begin to make changes and find ways to energize yourself in the morning. By energizing yourself, you’ll be starting the day on a more positive note, which will help you to have a more productive morning. Continue reading
For a lot of people, a New Year’s resolution is to get in better shape. And since the holidays have just passed, a lot of people are left feeling bloated and simply like they’re carrying additional weight that they’d want to lose. The deadline is pretty easy to see: spring! When everyone gets to go out in flowy dresses and shorts, showing off the physique they worked so hard for.
But there’s no need to starve yourself, slave away in the gym and torture yourself in any way. There are healthy, simple habits that you can adopt that will get you into shape like Cody Calafiore and Alexis Ren without you even noticing you’re doing it. Continue reading
Your workout might be essential to you but if you don’t do it the right way you will not end up seeing great results. More than that, the frustration that accumulates from not seeing results could push you into acting recklessly regarding your diet plan or your fitness routine. There are many reasons for which your workout might not be working but it has been proven – the place, where people make the most mistakes are being made before the workout even starts. In that sense, it’s important to reevaluate your pre-workout routine and identify the problems. Continue reading
If your regular workout program has become a bit boring, it’s time to spice things up. There are many ways you can lose weight and have fun during the process. Choose the ones you like best and start incorporating them in your daily workout plan. Continue reading
Forty-eight Kgs in weight and a mother of two, I’m often asked about my diet and fitness secrets. While, I’m not an expert in nutrition or a weight-loss guru by any means, and I do keep falling off the wagon myself with my own efforts, I still thought of sharing my fitness tips and tricks with you. For who knows, who might find information here helpful and realize her own weight-loss goals.
So here are my 8 best fitness tips and tricks to help you stay motivated and be in ‘fitting’ shape anytime, all the time. Continue reading
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