Happy Republic Day Beauties!

Hope you all are keeping up to your New Year beauty resolutions and glowing to the best of your beauty and health. As for my beauty resolution, I am continuing with my chemical-free beauty year by focusssing on all natural and herbal skin care. And the transition hasn’t been so difficult as I previously imagined.

Proactiv Facial Cleansing Brush - My New Beauty Routine So in keeping up with my 2015 beauty year, here comes a new addition to my beauty routine – ‘facial cleansing brush’ from Proactiv.
I had already heard and read a lot about the amazing benefits of facial cleansing brushes for naturally smooth, clear, and glowing skin but could never find a good one in India, untill I recieved this facial cleansing device from Proactiv.

Proactiv Facial Cleansing Brush - My New Beauty Routine Proactiv is a leading skincare brand when it comes to smooth, clear skin and acne management. This facial cleansing brush is designed by two US dermatologists Drs Katie Rodan and Kathie Fields to provide benefits beyond manual cleansing with drugstore cleansrs, scrubs, and other such abrasives.

Proactiv Facial Cleansing Brush - My New Beauty Routine Now whether all this furore about facial cleansing brushes and devices is actually true or just a hype, only time can tell. Haven’t used the brush for a considerable time to pass my verdict.
So girls stay tuned for the full review of Proactiv facial cleansing brush and actual benefits of using facial cleansing devices to your beauty routine.

Proactiv Facial Cleansing Brush - My New Beauty Routine Have you heard about or used any facial cleansing device before? If yes, then please share your experience and thoughts about these cleansing brushes in comments below. I would love to know about your experience and opinion on these devices.



Written by Anshulika Chawla


  1. oh i’m waiting for full review on it 🙂

    • road2beauty.com at Reply

      Will keep u posted!

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