The city of San Diego has an approximate population count of just under one and a half million residents. Being the 8th largest city in the USA, it has an enormously large infrastructure and network of busy lifestyles and facilities to keep its people going.
Not just because of the inclusion of the prestigious University of California, but also because of several brilliant minds from the UCSD Medical Centre that have come together to devise innovative solutions to a lot of the world’s health issues, this city is known as the center of biotechnology and research.
There have been much pioneering research and medical revolutions made at the UC San Diego some of which include, the use of gene therapy in ailments, the development of the chemotherapy drug known as cetuximab, the discovery of the fact that diabetes is caused by a resistance to insulin, the role of p53 gene in rheumatoid arthritis, early signs of autism and various research into the treatment chronic lymphomata leukemia, to name a few.
The Advent of Scalp Micropigmentation
All of these have helped humankind progress into a better and more livable lifestyle. Research such as this gives people hope for better days to come. Not only has this city dedicated its means to larger issues such as the ones mentioned above, but it also has helped many of its population with other less serious issues such as hair loss.
It may sound trivial, but hair loss can be a traumatic experience for a lot of people, both men, and women and if not treated can lead to other emotional side-effects such as loss of self-confidence, depression, anger, and frustration. Reasons this could happen are pregnancy, stress, medications, genetics, or alopecia. This is a common autoimmune skin disease that causes hair loss throughout the body. Further information can be found on this recommended site.
To prevent this from happening some of the popular clinics in the region have developed a solution called Scalp Micropigmentation. This is the method by which hair is restored to its full 100% mass.
It is sometimes known as hair tattooing or tricopigmentation as well, but they are all on in the same thing. It is non-surgical and uses thousands of micro-needles used to implant pigment inside of the dermal layer on the scalp. The idea behind it is to imitate the natural hair follicle pattern which looks like you have shaved your head. It is also used for those whose hair is thinning, to add more density to the scalp.
The Many Advantages to This Procedure
There are several reasons why this trend has taken off in several parts of the region and a lot has to do with it having a minimal amount of pain, sometimes little to none, plus it is a long-term solution that adds thickness to the scalp, and the best part is it is not expensive and fits into most people budgets. Further information about the various benefits can be found online for example via this online source https://www.healthline.com/health/beauty-skin-care/scalp-micropigmentation#what-to-expect
It is not only used to cover up the hairline but has also been used to cover up scars due to its natural-looking results. The pigment used for this procedure is not the same as the one used in tattoo parlors. These materials have been specifically created for the SMP hair treatments and do not fade over time or change to a different color either.
You would typically only pay for the amount of area to be covered. The best part about getting the process done on your scalp is that it is permanent. The only time you may see a slight difference in color is in a few years, but not as drastically as when tattoos change color. The worse that can happen is it can fade slightly. It looks similar to when we start getting grey hair. If, however, you don’t want this ‘effect’ you can book a consultation with any clinic and get a touch-up done of the pigment.
Unlike a lot of other treatments that involve meticulous precision. Some of these include getting hair removed from unwanted areas on the body using laser hair removal or electrolysis done at the clinic can take up to 20 to 30 sessions for some people. The SMP or San Diego Scalp Micropigmentation on average takes only between 2 to 5 sessions maximum and is limited to a few weeks apart. A lot of this would depend on the person’s hair and skin color as well as the shade of pigment needed to proceed. This treatment is done on both men and women.
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