Whether you live in northern Sweden or a beach town in Mexico, it’s impossible to avoid exposure to the sun. Even on cloudy days, your skin is exposed to UV rays, which may lead to future complications like Continue reading
Whether you live in northern Sweden or a beach town in Mexico, it’s impossible to avoid exposure to the sun. Even on cloudy days, your skin is exposed to UV rays, which may lead to future complications like Continue reading
Most women and some men want to look as youthful as they possibly can for as long as they can. Sadly, sun damage, stress, unwholesome foods, smoking, and several other factors may age a person’s face faster than we’d like to.
If you don’t want a traditional facelift procedure, there are other ways to keep your skin looking and feeling young.
Here are dermatologist’s top 9 ways to restore youthful skin for a younger looking you. Continue reading
When we were kids, our parents always made us take naps in the afternoons and forced us to sleep early in the night. A lot of us might have complained since it meant less time for television or playing outside.
However, you may be missing those times now that you’re no longer a little kid and you don’t get to take a lot of naps anymore. Indeed, studying or working takes a lot of our precious sleeping time. You want to hit the snooze button on your alarm and just sleep in, but if you do, you’ll be late for work or school.
It’s no wonder why we’re always telling our colleagues that we’re tired and that we just want to sleep. If you’re wondering why you’re tired all the time, here are ten reasons: Continue reading
Smile lines, laugh lines, or crow’s feet — no matter what you call them, the deep furrows that form around the eyes can tack years onto your face, giving you a weathered, prematurely aged visage. While some people embrace them, believing they lend a distinguished look, many of us unanimously agree that our face is no place for these unwanted wrinkles. Fortunately, crow’s feet don’t have to be a permanent fixture, and there are several safe and proven methods that you can use to minimize their appearance. Continue reading
As women, we all want to look younger and attractive. Since, it’s your face and skin that people first notice about you, the key to younger and attractive looking you lies in diligent skincare. No wonder, beauty industry is worth over millions of dollars today to cater to this universal desire of women.
Many women even go to the extent of undergoing risky cosmetic procedures and expensive botox treatments to get the results they want. But you don’t always have to break the bank or go through invasive cosmetic procedures to enhance your looks. Moreover, many plastic procedures and cosmetic treatments come with irreparable risks and side effects. Continue reading
Are you the type that finds mornings an absolutely dreadful time of day? Do you have a hard time getting up on time, and then finding the energy to get moving and get out the door on time? Do you find it hard to focus on any one thing in the morning? If you’ve said yes to these questions then the chances are high that you aren’t exactly a morning person.
Not to worry though, here are four ways that you can begin to make changes and find ways to energize yourself in the morning. By energizing yourself, you’ll be starting the day on a more positive note, which will help you to have a more productive morning. Continue reading
Thought I was a sucker for tea and coffee.
But thanks to Golden milk – I’m a convert! Continue reading
Well for any woman in her early 30s, it’s easy to look 10 years younger than her real age with the right clothes, makeup and hair-do. But fast forward a decade later things change phenomenally! You cannot imagine looking younger without help from Photoshop, plastic surgeons and dermatologists.
Because you haven’t seen the real aging until you reach your 40s. As a beauty blogger, I often get emails and comments from women in their mid 30s and early 40s, who feel they have unexpectedly aged overnight. Continue reading
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