Today, many people have turned home-brewing into a hobby. We both know that it’s quite a commitment since it requires both time and a smart brain. Every newbie has a goal to make sure that the first few batches come out right, and not beer poison his or her friends. Here are top five tips for home-brewing that can help you up your game.
1. Have the Right Recipe
Unless you’re are a guru, having a formula for home-brewing is mandatory. You can’t make good beer without a good recipe. First thing first, you should have a recipe that matches your experience. For example, if you’re a newbie, it’s wise to go for the simple method that you can manage rather than the complicated ones.
A good recipe is supposed to give you details of the right ingredients and thus crucial for the newbies who have no idea of where to begin. However, that doesn’t mean that you stick to some boring beer. You can pick something like the pale ale, and porter for your first few brews and make the experience amazing. Whether you’re a beginner or a guru and looking for insider wisdom, sites such as 52 Brews can be of great help in choosing the right recipe or kits.
2. Use Fresh Ingredients
Just like your final product, you should make sure that the ingredients are fresh. New constituents make the homebrew much better. For the beginners, it’s wise to start with the liquid yeast rather than the dry. But if you’re the extract guy, go for fresh extract instead of one that’s a few years old. Also, the liquid yeast should be stored in a refrigerator, the grains in a cool, dry place and the hops in the freezer. You should even know that all these ingredients have a limited life and hence should be used quickly.
3. Go for Glass Fermenters
Most brewers prefer the standard plastic bucket, but the glass fermenters are the best option. First, we both know that glass is easy to clean and sterilize as compared to plastic and hence suitable for brewing. Also, glass is known to provide a 100 percent oxygen barrier as opposed to plastic because it can leak oxygen if stored for extended periods. Besides, the plastic buckets have poor seals and can leak in both directions and thus ruin the brewing process.
4. Keep it Sterile
The brewing process should be kept clean to avoid cases of poisoning in the end product. Therefore, anything that comes into contact with the beer should be sanitized thoroughly. For example, the period immediately after your beer cools is critical because bacteria and other infections are likely to take control. So, until the yeast has started the fermentation process, you should ensure that you limit the number of bacteria. You can have a bucket of iodine, iodophor, bleach or star san sanitizer where you soak anything that touches the beer.
5. Go for the Big Kettle
Most home-brewers begin with a starter equipment kit and not until they realize how significant a brew kettle is. Therefore, for beginners, it’s advisable to go straight for the big kettle for a fantastic brewing process. You can begin with a 5-gallon kettle or a larger one based on the quantity of you intend to brew. However, if you plan to get into all-grain brewing, you should go for the big kettle immediately. In the long run, the big kettle saves you money and also reduces the likelihood of your kettle boiling over.
Home-brewing is slowly turning into a hobby for many individuals. Getting started with the process is quite complicated. From knowing the right ingredients to assembling the right equipment, we both agree that the process can be tiring. In this article, there are top five tips that can help you through your brewing journey whether you’re a newbie or an old folk looking for insider wisdom.
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